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How To Write An SEO Optimized Blog Article?

Hello everyone, welcome to our blog. Thanks to all for reading this article.

Today we will discuss about blogging and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These two things have a close relation between them. Many bloggers are now opening their own blog and starting blogging. As, search engine optimization is very important for a blog so newbie bloggers are wondering that how to write an SEO optimized blog article? If you are also thinking about this matter then don’t worry! Many peoples are searching the web for this topic. I’m here to describe this important matter here very easily. 

SEO Optimized Blog Article
SEO Optimized Blog Article
So, let’s see how you can write an SEO Optimized Blog article:

1. Catchy and Interesting Title

Headline or Title is most important part of an article. So, always focus on writing impressive and interesting title for your blog articles. Always use a title which represents your whole blog article. Also remember about keeping the important keywords in your blog title. Beside this, use some catchy words such as How To, What To etc. for making your article more popular and interesting.

2. Choose the right keywords

Before writing an article, choose your favorite and useful keywords. Keywords play a very important role in search engine optimization. Search on the net and find useful and popular keywords. You can also search for most searched keywords by people in the net. This will help you to write a popular article. You can use many tools for this task. There are many free and useful keyword researcher tools available on the internet.

3. Image Optimization

We give more importance when writing an article about its sentences and words. But, we should also remember about images or pictures because it is very effective for every blog article. Image is more useful than your article words. Besides, it helps you to describe your article to readers more clearly. It helps to represent your article to visitors and it can make your article more impressive. So, we can use images or pictures in your blog article. Do some image optimization before using it because it effects on your blog SEO. Give alter tag, title and properties of your image in your article.

4. Visitors are everything! 

Your blog, your article and your popularity depend on your blog visitors. Visitors are the heart of your blog. So, their opinions and comments are very important for a blog. Follow their opinions, try to understand their needs. Create blog articles to help your visitors. This will help you to gain your blog popularity very fast.

Final Words:

I hope that you have liked reading this article. These tips will help you to write an SEO optimized blog article. If you have any question or suggestion, please tell us. We are waiting for your valuable comment.

We will come back soon with something more useful and interesting for you.
Till then Goodbye to everyone. :)

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