Facebook is the number one social media site in the world. The number of facebook users is increasing day by day for its various features. You can easily establish your brand and sell own product with facebook. However, we can see many people have multiple facebook account. When you log in multiple facebook account from one IP, it can ask you to verify your identity. Recently many people are opening fake facebook account for business or personal purpose. For this reason facebook start photo verification system to stop these kinds of peoples.
Facebook photo verification is one of the hard tasks I have ever done. If you fall in this trap you may know about it. Many people lost their account for facebook photo verification problem. By the way, from now you can easily solve this problem just changing a security option in your facebook account. We will select three well known friends to solve this problem. In future when you will fall in this trap you can pass with these three friends photo. Let’s see how to do it?
At first log in your facebook account and click on bellow number 1 red marking area. Once you click on it a dropdown list will open with various options. From this list find Settings and click on it. See bellow image for your easy understanding.

Once you will click on “Settings” a new page will open as like bellow image. In this page, find out “Security” and click on it. Bellow image may be helpful.

Once you will click on “Security” can see some security settings in the page. From here find out “Trusted Contacts” and click on it. See bellow image for your easy understanding.

Now click on “Choose trusts contacts” and select your 3 friends who are well known to you. Then click on “Confirm”. Your task has done. Log out your facebook account and do your task. From now, when you will fall in facebook photo verification trap, it will shows your selected friends picture. Is not it easy now?
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